Tuesday 30 May 2023

How to Achieve an Insta-Worthy Makeup Look

 (Collaborative Post)

 In the era of social media, capturing picture-perfect looks and moments has certainly become a trend. If you want to be able to create gorgeous and glamorous selfies or you want a close-up shot of your perfect makeup, you’ll need to know precisely what to do to achieve the look you want. You won’t want to post anything less than perfect on Instagram, and although we all know that the reality is often different from the perception, it’s still fun to get involved. 

If you’re wondering how to produce Instagram-worth makeup, keep reading. We’ll take you through the steps you need to ensure you look exactly as intended in every image. Read on to find out more.

Prep The Canvas 

It might sound strange to talk about your face as a canvas, but when you consider that makeup is art, it actually makes sense. And just as an artist will always prep their canvas to achieve the best final result, you’ll need to do the same. 

To begin with, make sure you have a clean face. Remove any dirt and excess oil because otherwise the makeup won’t look flawless and smooth, and it might not even stay on your face for very long, ruining the look well before you’re ready to take a photo of it. 

Once you have washed your face, you need to apply moisturiser to keep it well-hydrated and then follow this with some primer. This helps to minimise the appearance of pores and is another useful tool to ensure your makeup stays in place all day. 

Choose The Right Foundation 

The first element of your makeup that you need to apply once your face is clean is your foundation. This will make your face neutral and make your skin tone all one colour. This will help you when you come to apply other makeup over the top. 

It’s crucial that you pick the right shade of foundation so that it matches your skin, otherwise it will look strange if other areas of your skin - such as your neck - are visible and there is a clear difference. The best place to test the colour is along your jawbone. Once you have applied it, blend it on your face using a clean, damp makeup sponge or brush. This will give you a natural finish without any harsh lines. 

Enhance Your Features 

Once the base is ready, you can move on to the makeup itself. The best thing to do is to pick products that will enhance your features. Beautiful lashes from BELO Lash could be just the thing to enhance your eyes, for example, whereas a deep-coloured lipstick might be the ideal choice for your lips. 

This is where you can really go to town and make your own look, so don’t be afraid to experiment. If you don’t like something, just take it off and try something else. As long as the individual elements look good and make your best features stand out, the rest will easily fall into place, and your Instagram photos will look fantastic every time. 

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