Wednesday 16 May 2012

Want Glowing Skin for Summer? Kahina Argan Oil is where it's at!


Tonight I wanted to write about a recent facial skincare discovery I've made.
Yes it involves a certain type of oil and yes I put it on my face.

Before you jump the gun and click away from this page in protest over the suggestion of smoothing oil on your face, give me a moment to explain :)

The oil in question is 100% organic Argan Oil by natural, ethical beauty brand Kahina Giving Beauty.

I've been trialing the Argan oil for the past couple of weeks and it's impressed me so much that I thought it deserved a little airtime on Lippy in London.

How Do I Use It?

For the face, I like to use it in the evening after I've cleansed my face.
 I put 2 drops on my palm, rub my hands together slightly, then pat it gently onto my face just as I would with a facial serum.
I've only used it once for my hair, applying a drop or 2 to the ends where there is some serious damage going on. I stopped using it on my hair because I felt that it was too precious to waste on split ends!

What Does It Do?

Argan Oil is naturally rich in Vitamin E and antioxidants and these benefits are only amplified depending on how pure the oil is, and this is probably the purest you can get!
This oil soothes irritation, minimizes fine lines, restores elasticity, neutralizes the free radicals that cause wrinkles and other signs of ageing, protects the skin from various nasties such as pollution (hello London) and improves the overall texture and tone of the skin. Not bad for one ingredient, in one little dropper bottle.

What Makes Kahina Special?

Basically, Kahina Giving Beauty is all about 'giving back' to the women in Morocco who source the argan nuts and extract the oil that ends up in the glass bottles. Kahina is so committed to celebrating these women, that their signatures adorn the packaging of every Kahina product. I think that's such a special touch :)

Another factor that sets Kahina apart from other Argan Oil manufacturers, is the quality of the product, please read this extract taken from the brand's website to learn a rather amusing fact about the oil of the moment:

The most important factor in determining argan oil quality is the “goat factor”. The argan nut is a hard almond-like seed, encased in an external shell and a fruity outside pulp. The nuts that are gathered for oil must have the exterior pulp intact. If there is no pulp, it means that the nut has been eaten and digested by a goat (goats love to eat the nuts) imparting a foul smell to the oil.
Often, these “goat nuts” will be sold at a low price and then the oil will be deodorized, a process that destroys the essential nutrients in the oil. This is typically the case of the lower priced oils on the market. 

All in all, I've fallen for this Argan Oil - I can honestly say my skin feels more 'plump' and hydrated and I look a little more awake than I did before I started using it (though I certainly don't feel it).
If  you're scared of putting this on your face, don't be. It absorbs really quickly and doesn't leave my face feeling oily - just lovely and soft.

*From what I've read about this company, they're pretty outstanding in terms of environmental responsibility and sustainability. You can read more on what Kahina is all about by visiting the website here.
Here in the UK, the Kahina range (including facial cleansers, serums, masks and more) is available at Beauty Works West. The 30ml size of the Argan Oil retails at £22.

Have you heard of Kahin Giving Beauty before? What do you think of facial oils? How do you feel about 'goat nuts'? :)

Thanks for reading! x

*This was kindly given to me for consideration, but I'm a terrible liar so rest assured that the above is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

1 comment:

  1. i really want to try it!
    i love using oil on my face and hair!
    coconut is my current fav at the moment.

    Breezeybee Blog
