Tuesday 17 January 2023

Simple Self-Care Ideas

(collaborative post) 

Self-care is one of the most important things we can do to support our wellbeing., When we think of self-care most of us think of pampering activities like skincare or massage, but self-care doesn’t have to be confined to spa days or visits to a beauty salon; it can take many forms.

Below, you will find some slightly less common self-care ideas that can work when skincare routines and meditation aren’t quite hitting the spot:

Re-read a favourite book

One of the best ways to really rest, relax and enjoy the simple pleasures in life, is to sink down into the couch with a hot cup of tea and one of your favourite novels. Spend some time getting to know the characters in Pride and Prejudice again or floating off to Narnia and you will feel all of the stresses and strains of modern life floating away as you get lost in a great story.

Play with a pet

If you do not have a pet, borrow one and spend some time petting it, walking it, and simply snuggling up to it. Why? Because studies have shown that pets can lower blood pressure, reduce stress levels, help to improve mental health issues like depression and anxiety, and even lower tout risk of heart attack. Dogs are particularly good when it comes to self-care but any animal you love and enjoy spending time with will help you to feel better.

Learn a new skill

If you want to feel good physically and mentally, you could try to learn a new skill that you have never tried before, or that you have always wanted to try, but haven’t had the time for. For example, you could try to learn how to sew or knit so that you can create new outfits that make you feel great, while also giving you something mindful to do. You could also learn how to cook new dishes from around the world that are healthy and delicious or you could even take a professional management course to help you build a better career which will boost your self-esteem and help you to feel better about yourself going forward.

Change your bed sheets

Changing your bedsheets might not sound like a brilliant act of self-care, in fact, most of us hate changing our sheets, but think about the feeling you get when you slip into fresh sheets after a hot shower? Blissful isn’t it? That’s why simply changing your sheets more often can be a great act of self-care.

Wash your feet

If you’re looking for a short and sweet form of self-care, wash your feet. It will ae you feel cleaner, more relaxed and ready to take on the next challenge and it only takes a few minutes.

Do something that scares you

This might seem like the opposite of self-care, but doing something that scares you can really make you feel alive. If you think of something that gives you butterflies in the stomach, like skydiving or public speaking, and you simply go out there and give it your best shot, not only will you feel a rush of adrenaline that really makes you feel alive, but you will feel a sense of accomplishment that you have done what you thought you never would. This will help you to feel more happiness, joy, and accomplishment in your life, so do the thing that scares you.

Make lists

If you are someone who has a very busy mind that is always going over what you have to do today or tomorrow and worrying about how you will fit it all in, then becoming a list writer could be one of the best acts of self-care that you ever give yourself. Why? Because when you put the thoughts in your head on paper, you let them go to some extent. You know you have got them covered, so you don’t have to keep thinking about them and this means you will stress less and get a better night’s sleep if you simply take the time to write a daily to-do list.

As you can see, self-care doesn’t have to be a struggle and it doesn’t have to feel like work. It can be simple, relaxing, and enjoyable when you find the right activities to incorporate into your daily routine. You can do it in any way that feels right, as long as it allows you to relax, de-stress and recharge. So, what are you waiting for?

1 comment:

  1. Self care is something we should all prioritized this year! Thank you for the post :)
