Tuesday 11 October 2022

Fun Side Hustles to Boost your Income

(collaborative Post)
Whether you’re looking to move to London or would simply like to be able to spend more on fashion and beauty, it's always nice to have a little extra money in your bank account. However, having extra cash is more important than ever in the midst of the cost of living crisis. 

Thankfully, there are various ways in which you can boost your income without having to put in countless hours of overtime. For example, you could pick up a fun side hustle, that is based on your current hobbies and interests. This way, you won’t have to change your daily schedule - but will still be in with a chance of earning extra money.

With that in mind, here are four fun side hustles you can use to boost your income! 

Become a fitness instructor
Working as a fitness instructor is a great way to ensure you stay on top of your own fitness game, while also earning extra money. This is particularly useful for those who want to exercise more, but don’t always have the time for regular workouts due to their busy work schedule. However, whether you’re intending on becoming a yoga instructor or indoor cycling instructor, you’ll need to get a certification before you begin teaching. 

Running your own blog is another great way to start earning extra money, and as your blog grows, so too will your income. This is because most bloggers earn money based on the amount of engagement their blog receives. However, as your audience develops, you may also be able to post sponsored content to a similar effect. However, in order to achieve these goals, you must work hard on creating a quality blog. This means that you must post consistently, and curate content that your readers are sure to enjoy. For example, you should not write a post for the sake of it - ensure you have something interesting to say! 

Photography is another popular side hustle - and for a good reason. Now that our phones come with quality cameras, you no longer need expert equipment in order to take good photos - which could mean that you’ve got some big earners sitting untouched in your camera roll. For example, instead of leaving your photographs on your phone, you could sell them to a stock photo website. This way, you’ll receive a small fee each time your photos are used, downloaded, or distributed. 

Product Reviews
Writing product reviews, or attending focus groups, can also prove to be a great way to earn money. This is particularly fun as it means that you can earn an income from simply voicing your opinion - and you’ll get to try out a lot of high-quality products for free. This could help you further develop your beauty routine, as you can try new products before they hit the market and you’ll know whether or not they are then worth your investment. As a result, not only could this become a money-making tool, but also a money-saving tool, as you’ll know what releases to avoid too! 

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