Thursday 2 January 2014

Dr Organic Manuka Honey Face Scrub

My honey obsession is still going strong so this month I'm placing a focus on skincare containing my favourite sweetener.
Dr Organic Manuka Honey Face Scrub has been a sweet little find thanks to its gentle yet effective formula that's perfect for winter.
manuka honey face scrub

What makes it the bees knees?
Encased in a user friendly tube, the face scrub contains organic 30+ active Manuka honey renowned for its antibacterial and healing properties. 
The grainy bits in this are pumice and ground fruit seed, which should feel quite scratchy, but don't - probably because the graininess is counteracted by the creamy honey formula it's suspended in.
As expected, the Dr Organic Manuka Honey Face Scrub smells utterly scrumptious, almost good enough to eat really, though I wouldn't recommend actually ingesting it.

The face scrub is a genuine pleasure to use and makes my skin feel smooth and supple afterwards with no tightness. I wholeheartedly recommend it, especially in colder months as it feels so nourishing and oddly soothing for something that is essentially sloughing away bits of dead skin.
As with most scrubs, the honey face scrub is designed for use two to three times a week, though it's a bit difficult to resist reaching for this every time I'm in the shower.

You can find Dr Organic Manuka Honey Face Scrub at Holland and Barrett for £5.99 for a 125ml tube.

Thanks for reading!


  1. I love the smell of honey. Sounds like a nice face scrub. Haven't seen the brand in Dubai (or Copenhagen), so thank you for giving me another reason to visit London soon again:)

  2. Whiteheads happen because of sebum, oils and cell sections, which join and wind up plainly unbending to shape unbreakable attachments inside the hair follicle. Whiteheads are shut from the highest point of the skin by the cell sections at the follicle opening. Ana
