Wednesday 8 January 2014

Beauty Obsession: Jennifer Lawrence

Oh Jennifer, how I adore thee. I do love a style chameleon and Jennifer Lawrence changes it up on a pretty regular basis. I'm not a Hunger Games fan by any means but I went to see the latest instalment just for her (as I'm sure my boyfriend did) and found myself under her spell. She doesn't care for jibes about her body, there have been hundreds of gifs created in her honour and she managed to fall up the stairs at the Oscars. This girl is beautiful for obvious aesthetic reasons but I really think her charming personality comes through brilliantly during interviews -either that or she is a really good actor- and this only adds to her overall beauty.
Here's my little homage to Jennifer Lawrence aka Katniss Everdeen aka Mystique aka Tiffany.

So let's discuss that red dress. Such a simple design but Jennifer brings it to a whole new level and fills it out beautifully. Probably my favourite look actually.

 Her makeup look here is fairly mininal - she totally works the whole 'no-makeup-makeup look'.
She can work a fringe like it's nobody's business and she can pull off both honey blonde...
...and chocolate brown.

She also looks like a mega babe with a faux tan and smoked out eyes paired with baby pink lips.
and is just as stunning with a cute pixie cut as she is with longer hair.
I don't know if it's her ridiculous cheek bones or her seemingly warm personality, but Jennifer Lawrence is my latest beauty obsession. I'm late to the party on this but after watching The Silver Linings Playbook recently I have a new found respect for this natural beauty. What do you think of Jennifer Lawrence?
Thanks for reading x

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