Monday 11 February 2013

The Kiss Lipgloss by Lush

Frosted pink is usually a colour I avoid. It's just not my cup of tea and I find it a little bit terrifying.
Therefore my first feeling was one of disappointment when I read about Lush's limited edition lip gloss The Kiss.

Launched in celebration of Valentine's Day, The Kiss is a teeny weeny pot of lip balm/ gloss that's 100% vegan and 100% preservative free but is also 100% frosted pink! :0

I popped in to Lush to investigate further regardless of my fear-of-the-frost and found that the glitter/ frosted effect of the gloss was not nearly as extreme as I thought, though applying too much is not a good move as the glittery bits tend to stick around after the gloss is gone.

Applied with a light hand however, The Kiss leaves a subtle, shiny baby pink hue on my lips, smells like liquorice allsorts (yet doesn't taste like anything really) and applies smoothly and easily thanks to its 'whipped' texture.

The texture of the gloss makes it perfect for smooching on Valentine's Day, so long as your partner doesn't mind the risk of shimmery sparkling bits migrating onto their mouths.

All in all, while I generally like this product, I kind of wish they'd left out the sparkles and just sold it as a yummy gloss without the glitter factor!

The kiss is £5.50 at Lush stores across the UK and $8.95 in the US.

Have you picked this up too?

Thanks for reading!


  1. Oh wow that balm looks really scary in the pan! Luckily the frost doesn't transfer as such :) xx

    1. I know right! I wish it didn't have the sparkly bits :( xxx

  2. This looks pretty - I'm glad it's not too frosted as that really would not suit me at all! xxx

    1. Yes, frost is not ideal! it's just subtle enough if you only use a small amount xx

  3. I've been eyeing this, it sounds great, xoxo.

  4. i cant deal with frosty stuff but it looks really good!x
