Tuesday 19 November 2019

Christmas at TK Maxx

(Gifted Experience) Over the last few years I've become quite a frequent shopper at TK Maxx. All year round it really is a total treasure trove of unexpected finds, absolute bargains and a whole lot of weird and wonderful things I never knew I needed. But at Christmas? There's even more to explore. Every visit to TK Maxx is different because there is always something new to discover and in my opinion, the bigger the store, the more fun there is to be had! Imagine my excitement then when I was invited along to the Oxford Street TK Maxx store to explore all that was on offer. My mission? To find unique and thoughtful Christmas gifts for my friends and family.
Opened in June this year, the Oxford Street TK Maxx is absolutely massive and is laid out across 4 floors with lifts and escalators to acces the different areas. I prefer stores that are planned out this way rather than just one big floor as I find it less overwhelming and easier to navigate.  During my visit I found some great items for my boyfriend, sister, son, Mother in Law and even my Secret Santa!

Christmas Gifts at TK Maxx

The Oxford Street store has an entire floor dedicated to men so if you're looking for Gifts For Him, this is the place to go. You can't go wrong with socks for Christmas (it's almost the law isn't it?) so I picked out a few warm, good quality pairs for Rich as well as a designer jumper in a neutral green colour I know he'll wear.

Socks and green jumper for Christmas from TK Maxx

For Gifts For Her, TK Maxx is an obvious choice and I spent a long time looking through the Gold Label racks and Women's Accessories to find a scarf I know my sister will appreciate (it's actually a scarf with a zip so it converts into a poncho which I though was quite cool). I also picked her up a new hairdryer because I know hers recently blew up.

Hot Chocolate, Candles, Soaps and toiletries gifts from TK Maxx

I also picked up a cute soap and a pampering gift set from the Body, Bath and Beauty section for my Mother in Law and a lotion and handwash from one of her favourite brands. I spent way too much time sniffing the scented candles from Candles and Home Fragrance on the Home level and chose a couple in fragrances I know she'll like. The Home level was probably favourite section to visit actually - there's a huge selection of acessories and furnishings for every room in the house and it's particularly exciting at this time of the year. There's a lot to choose from for the Foodie in your life too and I chose a Hot Chocolate Gift Set (complete with marshmallows) for the brother and sister in law to get stuck into.

Hairdryer and Hot Chocolate Gifts from TK Maxx

There are loads of Gifts For Kids and Babies on offer, so it was easy to find a few bits for my toddler. The little one loves books (there is a decent selection of books for kids) found a sound book that I know he'll love and an educational book and block set (he's very much into stacking things up at the moment so I think this will be a hit). I also spotted a Christmas Eve box that we can add a few goodies to for him to enjoy the night before the big day.

Book Gift Sets for Children from TK Maxx

Finally, my Secret Santa this year is a fan of gin so when I spotted a Gin Cocktail Set within the budget, I thought it would be perfect.

I think I did a pretty good job choosing gifts for some of my loved ones - it was a lot of fun visiting the store and really easy to find presents for everyone from babies through to grandparents. Having so many categories under one roof takes a bit of stress out of Christmas shopping and it's always nice to find quality and branded products at such great prices. If you can't get to a store yourself or don't fancy braving the Christmas crowds, you can shop Christmas Gifts online at the TK Maxx website.

*I was gifted a £200 TK Maxx giftcard. All words and views my own.

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