Monday 6 August 2018

Hairburst Mulberry Silk Pillowcase - do silk pillowcases really work?

I have always neglected my hair. By that I mean I rarely actually make an effort to do anything with it and it's perpetually either scraped off my face in a half-bun-half-ponytail situation or it's flowing free in all it's un-brushed glory. Now that I have a fringe I sort of look a bit like I've made some kind of effort (isn't it weird how a fringe makes you look marginally sort of 'styled' and 'put together'?)but still, I'm slightly embarrassed to admit my hair is lucky if I even brush it these days. Because of my apparent  reluctance to spend any time doing anything to my hair, I like products that require the least amount of time and effort. Leave in conditioners? Love them. Fast-drying hair turbans? Yes please. Silk Pillowcases? You betcha bottom dollar.
In case you didn't know, silk pillowcases do wonders for your hair (and are pretty good for your skin too) and this one from Hairburst is no exception. 

The Hairburst Mulberry Silk Pillowcase is probably the most luxurious addition to my bedroom at the moment. Made from pure silk, the pillowcase is obviously really smooth (and silky for lack of a better word) and therefore the bed head look I've been rocking since forever has significantly toned down.
The smooth surface of the pillowcase can aid in reducing friction, which can cause damage to the hair and therefore create split ends and exacerbate hair fall.
Reduced friction can also help your blow-dries and heat styled looks looking better for longer. There are really no cons to having a silk pillowcase that I can think of!  Unless you're staunchly vegan because, you know, silk is made by worms.

Something I've particularly noticed since slipping the pillowcase over my favourite pillow (we all have one) is that my hair fall has significantly reduced. I had pretty dire post-partum hair loss which has only really eased up in the past few months and I've noticed that there are not nearly as many hairs on my pillow in the morning since I've had the silk case. True story. It makes sense that the hair fall would decrease during the night because of the lack of friction -hair sort of glides over the silk- so if you're currently experiencing postpartum hair fall or hair loss of any kind I'd really recommend one of these pillowcases. Of course it won't stop your hair falling out, it'll just make mornings a little more pleasant as you probably won't wake up with yourself/partner/baby covered in strands.
It's worth mentioning that a lot of people invest in silk pillowcases for skincare reasons too. Silk doesn't absorb moisture like cotton does so your nightly skincare routine stays on your face rather than ending up soaked into your pillow case. Pretty cool, yes?
It's also been claimed that silk pillowcases can help to reduce wrinkles and sleep creases due to their smooth surfaces. I guess every little helps if you're concerned that your current pillowcase is ageing you!
While I don't think I can give a fair comment on the skincare claims (though I do think there is something to those), I do think it's made a definite difference to the feel and condition of my hair.
The Hairburst Mulberry Silk Pillowcase is £34.99 and is available at Hairburst.


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