Thursday 3 May 2012

Cheap Thrills: Superdrug Coconut Oil

Coconut oil, and various other multitasking oils seem to be everywhere in the beauty world at the moment, so I thought I'd share this ridiculously cheap find I stumbled across in Superdrug.

I got this coconut oil for 99p.

 Yes, 99p.

This product isn't 100% pure coconut oil, thanks to the addition of parfum and something called Coumarin, which is basically a vanilla type fragrance, but it does everything pure oil does - just don't eat it!

The oil in the 125ml tub is solidified but melts on contact with the sin.

As you probably know by now, coconut oil is fantastic as a fast absorbing body moisturiser and works as a lovely hydrating treatment for hair.

I've been using this multitasking wonder instead of shower gel to shave my legs, which leaves them really soft and smelling sweet :)

What are your thoughts on coconut oil? Not succumbing to the hype or is it a beauty staple?

Thanks for visiting :*


  1. I love the smell of coconut so I might have to give this a try and it's such a bargain! :) xx

  2. I didn't even know it was possible to take coconut oil tablets! xo

  3. Sounds great, I love anything coconut based so will definitely look for this the next time I'm in superdrug :) x

  4. I'm so glad I've seen this post! I've got this at the bottom of my drawer, bought it ages ago and never tried it! I'm gunna try it now, sounds really good :) xx

  5. What part of superdrug did you find this in? I looked everywhere but am afraid my local is too small to stock it :( What a bargain it is though!
