Tuesday 10 April 2012

Giveway! Colour Tattoo + Lip Butter + L'Oreal Liner


I thought that since I've just passed the 100 follower mark, I should celebrate by giving one of you lovely people a token of my appreciation.

Though I wish I could give everyone a little something, I am but a lowly bookseller on a budget so there can only be one winner ;)

Here's what I've got for you:

A Maybelline Colour Tattoo Cream Gel Eyeshadow in Eternal Gold

A L'Oreal Super Liner in Black Crystal

A Revlon Lip Butter in Sweet Tart

Want to win these goodies (and a couple of little surprise extras)?

All you have to do is use the form below to enter, then Sit back and wait with your fingers and toes crossed sending positive vibes into the universe

*This comp is open to UK readers only. Sorry :(

Good Luck

a Rafflecopter giveaway